
Show at Montreuil-Bellay in Anjou, the 20th and 21st of February 2016

Atelier DeLibro is going to take part to the Show about the Book and its arts and crafts professionnals in Montreuil-Bellay in the Anjou in France. The Show will be open the 20h and 21st of February 2016. It will be the opportunity of discovering or re-discovering many specialities linked to the Book : calligraphy, illumination, heraldry, typography, engraving, illustration, printing, paper-making, marbling, bookbinding, gilding, book and paper conservation…

The Show will present around sixty professionnels exhibiting their work, as artists, artistic craftmen, booksellers, writers and also a market of providers of tools and matelas specific to their work. The Show will be animated during the week-end with some workshops, occasion to practice some of the specialities presented. Some small conferences, called “papoteries”, will also be organized giving the opportunity to the professionals to present more deeply their work. Atelier DeLibro will talk on saturday the 20th of february at 5 p.m. about its experience in Antarctica and its collaboration with Antarctic Heritage Trust, “paper conservator in Antarctica or the Extreme for preserving History”

Programmation of the Show (French)