Personal publications:

As the author

El extremo al servicio de la historia : restaurar en la Antártida

These series of video-conferences were published by the Editorial Universidad de Granada in 2021, coord. Teresa Espejo Arias.

The use of Japanese tissue as a conservation technique for bookbindings, in Parchment and leather Heritage


Conference at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.
Technical survey realized in collaboration with Malaurie Auliac about the conservation of leather bindings with Japanese tissue.
Questionnaire “Survey about the technique of conserving books with Japanese tissue

Antarctic Heritage Trust

Animating the blog with my colleagues at Scott Base, Antarctica. BLOG

Named as a collaborator , article about Paper Conservation in the Antarctic, published in the Antarctic Heritage Trust Newsletter, June 2014 (only available printed).

– Australian National Maritime Museum, article wrote by Sur Bassett, manager of the Antarctic Heritage Trust team in the Antarctic, Scott Base.


Theory of Conservation

Brandi C., Théorie de la restauration, ENP, Editions du Patrimoine, Paris, 2000.
Capderou C., Flieder F., Sauvegarde des collections du Patrimoine, CNRS Editions, Paris, 1999.
Collectif, Protection et mise en valeur du patrimoine des bibliothèques de France, Recommandations techniques, Direction du livre et de la lecture (Ministère de la culture et communication), Paris, 1998.
Muñoz Vinas S., Contemporary theory of conservation, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann Ltd., Oxford, 2005.
UNESCO, Les techniques traditionnelles de restauration : une étude RAMP, Unesco, Paris, 1992.
VV. AA., El Manuscrito Andalusí, hacia una denominación de origen, Junta de Andalucía, Granada, 2008 (por su glosario de términos especificos del libro en español, francès, inglès y arabe).

The paper

Asuncion Jose, Le papier, création et fabrication, éditions Gründ, Paris, 2002.
Copedé M., La carta e il suo degrado, Nardini Editore, Firenze, 2003 (1991).
Lazaga N., Washi, el papel Japonés, CLAN Editorial, Madrid, 2002.
Martin G., Petit- Conil M., Le Papier, collection Que sais-je ?, PUF, Paris, 1997 (1964).

The engraving

Gascoigne B., How to identify prints, a complete guide to manual and mechanical processes from woodcut to inkjet, Thames & Hudson, London, 2004 (1986).

The bookbinding

Devauchelle R., La Reliure, recherches historiques, techniques et biographiques sur la reliure française, éditions Filigrane, Paris, 1995.
Escolar H., Historia del Libro, Fundación German Sánchez Ruipérez, Madrid, 1988.
Febvre L., Martin H-J., L’apparition du livre, Editions Albin Michel, Paris, 1999.
Foot Mirjam M., Bookbinders at work, Their Roles and Methods, Oak Knoll Press/ The British Library, Londres, 2006.

Techniques of conservation

Adam C., Restauration des manuscrits et des livres anciens, Erec, Puteaux, 1984.
Cockerell D., Bookbinding and the Care of Books, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, Londres, 1955.
Greenfield J. y Hille J., Headbands, How to work them, Oak Knoll Press, Newcastle, 2001.
James C. & Co, Old Master Prints and Drawings, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 1997.
Liénardy A. y C. Van Hamme, Interfolia, Manuel de conservation et de restauration du papier, Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Bruxelles, 2001.
Middleton Bernard C., The restoration of leather bindings, Oak Knoll Press/ The British Library, Londres, 1998.
VV.AA., Les Tranchefiles brodées, étude historique et technique, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, 1989.


Mills J. S. y R. White, The Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects, Butterworth Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, 1994.
VV. AA., Science for Conservators, 3 volumenes (Materials, Cleaning and Adhesives & Coatings), The Conservation Unit of Museums and Galleries Commission, London, 2002 (1987).

Scientific literature about Book and Paper Conservation:

The Paper Conservator

Periodical about Book and Paper Conservation, can be very technical.

The Restaurator

German periodical about Conservation in general.


French periodical about Conservation in general.


French periodical about Conservation in general.

Support Tracé

French periodical about Paper and Book Conservation.